developing authentic leaders

Often business leaders wonder how to best address the development needs of their employees, team, or organization.

The good news is we don't have to guess.

Our approach to leadership development is rooted in data-driven research on human behavior and emotional intelligence. We take those insights and apply them to your organization, your people, and your context - creating a container for development specifically tailored to your unique culture. Our work equips your leaders with the self-awareness to lead with authenticity, and the skills to manage conflict, grow teams, and advance business objectives.

Measuring success is also fundamental to our work. As we partner together on your leaders' development, we use the tenets identified by organization development experts Gervase Bushe and Robert Marshak to serve as marks of developmental progress:

  • A person, group, or organization is more developed the greater awareness it has of itself – it can talk to itself about itself

  • A more developed person, group, or organization has decreased in emotional and reactive behavior and increases in rational goal-directed behavior

  • A more developed person, group, or organization is able to actualize its potential.

Our model for development aims to deliver more balanced leadership. Together, we can elevate your leaders and evolve your organization to meet the demands of today and beyond.